
目前顯示的是 2月, 2009的文章


Click to Enlarge GlassyBleu就是HP Mini 1000 MIE的佈景主題啦。 安裝的方法也相當的簡單: 網路上就有人這麼做啦:http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6680821&postcount=17 裝完之後強烈建議 Customize -> Colors -> Input Boxes / Text 的顏色換成 #4C4C4C 不然Spreadsheet打開甚麼都看不到...

Treo 680 在Ubuntu上透過藍芽同步 jpilot

Treo手機除了Treo 600以外,都已經內建藍芽,透過USB來同步固然是一個方法,但是傳輸線的攜帶畢竟是一個大麻煩。目前大部分的筆記型電腦都已經有內建藍芽了,透過藍芽來同步在Windows上面算是相當普遍的常態,但是Linux上面卻是相當的麻煩。 目前我已經成功的在Ubuntu上透過藍芽讓Treo 680和網路連線以及同步Jpilot,你也可以試試看! 步驟如下: 配對手機與電腦如下: 1. 手機設定:Prefs->Bluetooth, 點選 "Setup Devices" -> "Trusted Devices" -> "Add Device". "Nearby devices" 中選擇你的PC -> "OK". 2. PC設定:Bluetooth applet點右鍵 -> "Setup New Device" 手機端連網設定: 1. 連線部份:控制台 -> 連線 -> 新增, 名稱寫 BT2Linux, 連接到: PC, 經由:Bluetooth, 然後點選"用點選尋找", 選擇你的PC -> OK 2. 網路部份:控制台 -> 網路 -> 按鍵盤右下角Menu按鈕 -> 新增. 名稱寫Ubuntu, 使用者名稱和密碼都留空白就好 3. 讓手機維持在這個畫面 PC端藍芽撥接設定: 1. $ sudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/dun 2. 填入以下資料: 115200 local ms-dns noauth debug 3. 測試連線 $ dund --nodetach --listen --persist --msdun call dun 如果你的使用者不被允許執行以上命令,則在前加上sudo 然後回到手機點選"連接", 你會看到手機試著跟PC連線。如果正常的話,你會在PC上面看到一些debug message 4. 寫一個自家目錄的script來跑 $ mkdir -p ~/bin $ sudo gedit ~/bin/TreoConnect 填入以下資訊: dund --li...

[Ubuntu Intrepid] Pidgin message notification using ThinkPad's "standby" LED

Recently I purchased a Lenovo ThinkPad X200. Just wondering why nobody is using some LED to do the notification. After a while searching, there is a software called " led-notification ". Unfortunately, to blink my thinkpad's LED I will need to echo "7 blink" instead of "1" or "0". So I just modified the code and packaging it then leave it in my launchpad PPA. To install this package, please make sure you are running Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex, then follow the steps: === Install with apt === Add these two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list $ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jouston-huang/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/jouston-huang/ppa/ubuntu intrepid main Now you will need to add gpg key for my PPA: $ sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 5627B79802F9CAEF70E58319B51F433BBCE861C1 After you done, install package now: $ sudo aptitude update $ sudo aptitude install pidgin-...

Great deal Dell Inspiron Mini 9

If you are looking for a netbook and you are live in UK, congratulations! My colleague just forward me a eDM: http://view.ed4.net/v/PVAX4N/IF7KL/ZB03G3K/98HT3U/MAILACTION=1&FORMAT=H

Running Zubutun RC1(Hardy) on Zaurus C760

To run it please refer to http://www.omegamoon.com/blog/static.php?page=ZaurusUbuntu . Some installation notes below: * To fix dhclient3 broken problem, edit /etc/passwd and /etc/group. Set dhcp UID/GID both "0" * To enable touch screen, edit /root/.profile, make sure the line looks like this: export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event1 * Add "#" before "xrandr -o right" in .xinitrc * Install Chinese: $ aptitude install language-support-input-zh