雖然說應該已經很老生常談了, 但是為了怕我自己忘掉. 註記一下. 我是參考這篇文章的: Getting started with SSH - Kimmo Suominen 首先, 你需要確定已經在兩台機器上都已經安裝了ssh, 而且被登入的那台已經執行sshd, 可以被登入了. 接下來, 在local執行以下指令產生dsa key: # ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/jouston/.ssh/id_rsa): [RETURN] Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [RETURN] Enter same passphrase again: [RETURN] Your identification has been saved in /home/jouston/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/jouston/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: aa:aa:aa:......:aa jouston@jouston.no-ip.com 基本上只需要連續按幾次[RETURN](就是鍵盤的[ENTER]鍵) 好了, 我們做到這一步已經弄到key了. 接下來需要把dsa.pub複製到遠端的伺服器: # scp ~/.ssh/dsa.pub 搞定收工. 另外, 如果有多台機器要這樣免密碼登入的話, 你可以把後來的key在遠端機器那裡這麼作: # cat dsa.pub >> authorized_keys 直接附加上去就可以了