
目前顯示的是 1月, 2012的文章

倚天忘形(ET26)輸入法iOS (iPhone/iPad) 移植至iAcces 改版 v0.5.1

更新: iAcces最近更新了兩版,中間的版本有些不穩,與iOS Spell checker衝突。請務必更新至5.03 (build 081),再換上目前v.0.5.1的iAcces5-Taiwan_ET26鍵盤主題就可以正常使用,有任何使用問題歡迎回報。 這次主要修正幾個iAcces配合上的問題,現在已經不需要覆蓋原有iAcces5-Taiwan而使得安裝和移除此外掛容易很多。建議有用v0.5的朋友必須要移除整個iAcces之後再重新安裝此版本。否則你很有可能就杯具了。 下載連結: iAcces5-Taiwan_ET26_v0.5.1.zip 有在用的朋友在我的部落格留言支持一下啦,不然我下次改好大概就自己用,不放出來佔我Dropbox的空間了。你們也可以很可愛的寄小玩具給我唷,作者很喜歡騎重型機車。;-)

Jouston secret milk tea recipes

People ask me why my milk tea was soooooo good? Easy, you can make it at home too. Here is my recipe. Preparation: * Milk 150cc * Black tea 40g(stronger smell preferred) * Sugar * 1 tea spoon 1. Cook milk mildly until little bubbles shown in the edge of pot. 2. Put black tea into milk. You can use tea bag or use filter later. 3. Cook around 7 minutes. Watch closely the milk tea. The color should looks like Latte and you should smell some beautiful milk tea smell. 4. Put suger into pot. Done 5. You can put more sugar, or even a little  cinnamon, vanilla, rose rock salt(from Tibet is best) to increase the taste.