
目前顯示的是 5月, 2005的文章

Luke 現在只有手掌大

今天網路上閒晃的時候,突然發現了一個敗家的好對象:Luke。 不是最近電影院裡的那個Luke唷,是VIA的Luke。在這個只有手掌一般大小的主機板裡,裝滿了最屌傲的全部PC部件。 看樣子,PC mini也只不過是舉手之勞罷了。 把CPU做进北桥!威盛Luke开创X86平台新纪元::小熊在线-CPU内存频道

Web IRC - 我的救星

偶然看到的,非常有趣的實做。 CGI:IRC - Web based IRC Client 回家來裝裝看。

GPL violation vendor FAQ繁體中文翻譯

小弟我最近深感台灣公司容易犯違反GPL的錯誤,應該多少有部份是他們不懂得如何避免犯錯的關係。 所以我協助 http://www.gpl-violations.org/ 翻譯了 vendor FAQ(http://www.gpl-violations.org/faq/vendor-faq.html) Download file: 附件 是英文原版以及小弟翻譯過後的成果。 若是您有興趣協助review,請利用gunzip指令解壓縮後,直接修改 vendor-faq-zh.xml 在您修改完成之後,請再用 gzip 指令壓縮,然後寄還給我。如果有可能的話,我會盡量努力把您的名字列在credit裡面。 補充說明, Download file 是大家協助review過後的成果。

N50 open up!

The N50 journey have new steps. Because I can't get BOM sheet from our hardware resource. So I am forced to find out this information by myself. So I open this small device. To open it up is quite easy, only few steps you can do it: * First, you need to "screw up" the four screws on it's back. * Remove the silver case. * Remove the two small screws in the bottom of mainboard. * Flip over the board and be careful to the wire between mainboard and LCD panel. Done! Now you can fill the table by your raw eyes!

Planex(PCi/Geowave) NS54GM 無線網路卡在Ubuntu(一種Debian) Warty上如何驅動?

星期六(5/7)的Moto聚會中,很幸運的,Jserv的一個問題沒有人回答的出來: Q: 請問Mozilla.org的創立時間是? 這其實並不難找。按照習慣直接去google找的人,就搞錯方向了。這題的解題方法是: 1. 連上 www.mozilla.org 2. 點選右上角的About 3. 點選本業最下方的 Mozilla Foundation page 4. 答案就出來了: About the Mozilla Foundation Established in July, 2003 , with start-up support from America Online's Netscape division, the Mozilla Foundation exists to provide organizational, legal, and financial support for the Mozilla open-source software project. The Foundation has been incorporated as a California not-for-profit corporation to ensure that the Mozilla project continues to exist beyond the participation of individual volunteers, to enable contributions of intellectual property and funds and to provide a vehicle for limiting legal exposure while participating in open-source software projects. 這跟標題有何關聯呢? 沒有拿到這張無線網卡,當然就不會有這篇文章的出現。所以啦,還是要說說故事。 這張卡拿回家以後,當然第一件事就是上jserv的網站找找該怎麼驅動,在這裡有兩篇文章談到: Jserv's blog: Planex GW-NS54GM 無線網路卡驅動攻略 Jserv's blog: Planex GW-NS54GM 無線網路卡驅動攻略 (2) 好,按照Link ins...

帶在手上的Palm PDA - Fossil FX2008

這應該是世界上第一家鐘錶公司製作的,採用PalmOS 4.1的手錶吧! 看到 Palmgear 上居然有軟體是給手錶PDA用的,我心中一驚,開始求拜google大神是否有相關訊息。 結果給我找到了這篇專訪: Amazon.com: Exclusive Amazon Interview: Fossil Wrist PDA with Palm OS - Metal 這小玩意可不得了,首先我們先看看規格: 8 MB Memory Operating System: Palm OS 4.1 Motorola Dragonball Super VZ 66MHz Processor Display: 160 x 160 pixels, 16 level grayscale, EL backlight, Touch Screen Built-in Applications: Address Book, Date Book, To Do List, Memo Pad, Calculator, Time 依據上面那篇Amazon的獨家專訪,他們找到了一個非常、非常省電的高解析度小螢幕。如此一來,這隻手錶就可以每分鐘更新一次,就像是一般的手錶一樣。 這隻手錶真的是一隻手錶,很小,很輕薄。 接下來,PDA的功能如何呢? 除了圖面上可以看到的以外,電池的電量大致是3~4天(每天使用30分鐘PDA功能的話) 嗯,看起來手錶需要3~4天充一次電很誇張?你大概沒有用過機械表... 我手上帶的這隻,只要一個週末靜置就會停止不動。 相信我,3~4天才充電一次算是很好的了! 從 Amazon 上的報價是 USD 249.99,以現在的匯率來算,差不多是台幣7,500。心動了嗎?趕快去訂一隻,然後借我玩。 XD

Try to port Linux to Acer N50

This PDA N50's specifications: OS: Pocket PC 2003 CPU: Intel PXA 272 312 MHz Flash: 64MB RAM: 64MB LCD: 3.5 inch 320x240, 65535 colors USB client / host CF / SD dual slots Build-in WIFI (802.11b) Build-in Bluetooth Removable Li-ion battery This device is quite good hardware because of it has USB OTG, build-in bluetooth, build-in wifi. I am trying to port Linux onto it. The only things I got until now: LCD is NL2432HC22-22B I got a BSP for Pocket PC 2003 (Sorry, don't ask me mail you. It's not possible due to company policy) It's memory address is from 0xa0000000 to 0x04000000 (64MB) It's VRAM address is from 0x5c000480 The serial console setting is: 115200bps 8bit None parity check Stop bit 1 None flow control I can successful install HaRET on Pocket PC 2003 and run it correctly. But because lack of serial cable(I would get it soon), it not possible to enter the eboot terminal yet.

Free training materials for device driver and kernel programming

Great slides for programmers who want to learn device driver and kernel. http://free-electrons.com/training/drivers/en


財政部台北市國稅局 這裡辦了一個小活動。讓大家努力的利用萬惡的Windows作業系統來網路報稅。 好,雖然很討厭,可是完全不會offline算稅金的我,只好被迫用網路報稅。無奈也沒辦法。