Try to port Linux to Acer N50
This PDA N50's specifications:
- OS: Pocket PC 2003
- CPU: Intel PXA 272 312 MHz
- Flash: 64MB
- RAM: 64MB
- LCD: 3.5 inch 320x240, 65535 colors
- USB client / host
- CF / SD dual slots
- Build-in WIFI (802.11b)
- Build-in Bluetooth
- Removable Li-ion battery
This device is quite good hardware because of it has USB OTG, build-in bluetooth, build-in wifi.
I am trying to port Linux onto it.
The only things I got until now:
LCD is NL2432HC22-22B
I got a BSP for Pocket PC 2003 (Sorry, don't ask me mail you. It's not possible due to company policy)
It's memory address is from 0xa0000000 to 0x04000000 (64MB)
It's VRAM address is from 0x5c000480
The serial console setting is:
None parity check
Stop bit 1
None flow control
I can successful install HaRET on Pocket PC 2003 and run it correctly.
But because lack of serial cable(I would get it soon), it not possible to enter the eboot terminal yet.
這個....沒有電路圖應該沒辦法吧,不知道所有週邊的address map,像...哪一個GPIO是led 之類的。
回覆刪除唉唉... 這個頗難. 不過為了生活以及身為工程師的尊嚴, 還是衝了!
回覆刪除Why don't you get in touch with, you might find help on doing this
回覆刪除In fact, my colleque has port linux kernel and microwindow on it. But the wifi still gets some problem due to no firmware available.
回覆刪除I started a page for the n50 at Can You send me the pda-s hardware details, or the kernel?
回覆刪除I try to port Linux on the Acer n50. Can you send me the hardware details?
回覆刪除I will collect source codes and release in few weeks. Would you please give me the page you opened on Thanks.