Configure jogdial on my debian box

Several days ago, I have modified jdmouse to fit my need.(Add i810switch support)

Because my ubuntu warty laptop have a harddisk fail happend, I installed recent released sarge on my laptop.

But after I install sarge, I realized that I didn't leave a configuration file backup. Let's do it again...
1. Go get jdmouse and jouston's patch from here

2. untar them and patch
$ tar zxvf jdmouse.tar.gz
$ gunzip jdmouse.diff.gz
$ patch -p0 < jdmouse.diff

4. make and install
$ cd ./jdmouse
$ make
$ cp ./src/jdmouse /usr/sbin/

5. Add support for sonypi.
$ vi /etc/modutils/aliases

add these lines:

alias char-major-10-250 sonypi
options sonypi minor=250

8. Prepare i810swith
$ apt-get install i810switch

7. Download my init.d script and install
$ mv jdmouse.gz /etc/init.d/
$ cd /etc/init.d/
$ gunzip jdmouse.gz
$ chown root.root jdmouse
$ chmod 755 jdmouse
$ cd /etc/
$ for i in 2 3 4 5 ;\
do cd rc5.d/ && sudo ln -s ../init.d/jdmouse S99jdmouse && cd .. ;\

8. Start jdmouse and test
$ /etc/init.d/jdmouse start

Press your "Fn" + "F5" and scroll your jogdial up and down. If the LCD goes light and dark then you succeed.


  1. 我現在使用 Ubuntu ,安裝在 Sony Z1/XTP 上,當然所有的 function 都不能用,看到這篇文章,真是的如穫至寶,照步驟安裝,按下 Fn + F3 可以啟動/關閉聲音, 但是其他的功能就不能正常工作了...

    請問此套件是否支援 Ubuntu 呢 ?

  2. 應該是支援Ubuntu的。之前我就是在Ubuntu上面裝的呀。應該是sonypi沒有成功掛起來的關係吧?建議看看以下連結:

  3. Can you tell to me something information about Ubuntu? I heard a lot of about it in the pass
    days and I wanna try out? What's the hardware
    requirement of the currently version. I'm don't
    interested in the official reports, just in your
    opinion ;)






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